Hospice in the Hospital

BJC Hospice cares for patients with end-stage illnesses, regardless of location. The hospice care team and philosophy come to the patient and family and follows the patient if there are any changes in location.

In the hospital, hospice team members can assist in the management of uncontrolled symptoms, especially pain, prior to discharge home. By starting services prior to discharge, the transition to the home may be eased. Expert coordination of care and aggressive symptom management will often shorten hospitalization, and all service, including nurses, social workers, chaplains and a medical director are provided. The team focuses on the comfort care and support of both the patient and family.

Hospice admission for hospitalized patients is a benefit available to all Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, whether short-term prior to discharge home, or when death is imminent. Hospice can bring its care and expertise to patients and families, no matter where they are.

Why provide hospice in the hospital?

  • Focus of patient care is comfort care and symptom management
  • Hospice team coordinates care with the patient, family, physician and staff
  • Diagnostic tests and invasive procedures that are not palliative are discontinued for patient’s comfort
  • Additional support is provided for the family
  • Hospice nurse is available at the time of death to support the family
  • The hospice medical director is available for consultation, if needed
  • 13 months of grief follow up is provided for the family